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Failed Projects

I have listed below some characteristics or tell-tale signs that indicate that a project is failing or has already failed….

  • A project that is abandoned due to lack of funds to complete it;
  • A project that is completed or being completed at a much higher cost than originally planned;
  • A project that is completed within a much longer period of time than originally planned;
  • A project that when completed, fails to meet the owner’s expectations in terms of quality and purpose.

Good Project Planning Prevents Failed Projects

A popular saying goes thus,…

”He who fails to plan plans to fail.”

Are you or your organization planning to embark on a construction project? If you do not make adequate plans to determine the
proposed cost and expenditure for that project and the best ways to go about starting and completing that project, prior to the
commencement of the project, you have already programmed that project to fail before it even started.

To achieve good project planning, it would be wise to do the following:

  1. Do ensure you engage the right professionals (Architect, Quantity Surveyor, Engineer) on your project; it pays in the long run!
  2. Don’t start that project without engaging and mandating your Quantity Surveyor to guide you concerning the estimated project costs
    and your budget…. it pays in the long run!
  3. After your Quantity Surveyor has prepared a comprehensive estimate or bill of quantities for your project and thus come up with a
    project budget, it’s pertinent that you secure adequate funding for the project and plan your cash flow in order to avoid project
    delays and abandonment due to lack of funds.

    Funny enough, even Jesus Christ reiterated this fact in the Holy Book, the Bible.
    In Luke 14:28-30 (New Living Translation), Jesus said, “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction
    of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?” We often describe Jesus Christ as
    the 1st ever Quantity Surveyor

  4. Ensure you obtain all your planning and regulatory approvals before commencing the project to avoid unnecessary closure of the project
    site by the planning authorities.
  5. Engage one of the consultants (Architect, Quantity Surveyor, Engineer) as a project manager to manage the actual project construction
    on your behalf, irrespective of the procurement method you may be deploying for the project. Trust me; this is a real-life saver!
  6. Regularly (weekly or monthly), mandate your project manager to avail you of periodic progress reports so that you can track the progress
    and health of your project.

If you religiously do all that is listed above, all things being equal, you (and your project) should be fine.

Save Your Failing or Failed Projects Now!

Now, before I go…….a few questions for you…..

  • Is your project on the verge of being abandoned or put on hold due to unexpected/unplanned increases in costs?
  • Is your planned budget for your project already exceeded & you are still yet to make reasonable progress?
  • Are you wondering what the way forward is for your project considering the present situation of things?

Call on a Quantity Surveyor today…we know exactly how to put failing projects back on track.

Wishing you success in your current and future construction projects.

Olumide A. Obiogun-Okesola

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